League chess

This is our main activity. We currently field 22 teams in four different leagues. There is something for everyone – from juniors to pensioners, from beginner to expert. If you don't already play league chess for Guildford, but would like to start, please email us at info@guildfordchessclub.com.

The table below gives details of all the leagues we play in. Elsewhere on the website:

  • All our teams are listed on the Contact page with the name and email address of each captain.
  • All our fixtures are listed on the Calendar page in date order.

For match results, please visit the website of the relevant league using the links in the table below.

Surrey League

Summary16 clubs in a large geographical area. Most clubs are based in the Surrey part of Greater London, within the M25. Guildford are one of the outlying clubs along with Woking, Dorking and Redhill.
StructureStandardplay and Rapidplay / League and Cup competitions.
Where and whenMatches take place on weekday evenings at each club's home venue, mostly starting at 7.30pm (some at 7.40pm, one at 7.45pm).
Guildford commitment7 teams – 4 League Standardplay, 2 Cup Standardplay, 1 League Rapidplay.
Time control
  • Standardplay – the default option is Fischer: all moves in 75 minutes + 10 seconds a move from the start. Guillotine, Adjudication, and Adjournment options are available if both players agree.
  • Rapidplay – the default option is Fischer: all moves in 25 minutes + 5 seconds a move from the start. A Guillotine option is available if both players agree.
League websiteSurrey Chess League

Surrey Border League

Summary12 clubs in Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey, ranging from Basingstoke in the west to Epsom in the east.
StructureStandardplay and Rapidplay / League and Cup competitions.
Where and whenMatches take place on weekday evenings at each club's home venue, mostly starting at 7.30pm (some at 7.15pm, one at 5.45pm).
Guildford commitment12 teams – 7 League Standardplay, 1 Cup Standardplay, 2 League Rapidplay, 2 Cup Rapidplay.
Time control
  • Standardplay – the default option is Fischer: all moves in 80 minutes + 10 seconds a move from the start (but all moves in 50 minutes + 10 seconds a move in the lowest division). A Guillotine option is used if the home team does not have digital clocks.
  • Rapidplay – the default option is Fischer: all moves in 20 minutes + 10 seconds a move from the start. A Guillotine option is used if the home team does not have digital clocks.
League websiteSurrey Border Chess League

4 Nations Chess League (4NCL)

SummaryThe largest and strongest league in the UK, this season comprising 76 teams in 5 divisions. Matches are played over 8 boards. The games are both ECF-rated and FIDE-rated.
StructureStandardplay League only.
Where and when11 rounds played over 5 weekends between November 2023 and May 2024. As this is a national OTB league, matches are played at a range of hotel venues in central England. Matches start at 2.00pm on Saturdays and 11.00am on Sundays (2.00pm / 1.00pm / 11.00am on the final, 3-day weekend).
Guildford commitment1 team in Division 4 – Guildford Young Guns. The team consists of strong Guildford juniors. Sponsorship covers the cost of coaching and travel.
Time control40 moves in 1 hour 40 minutes, plus 50 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 30 seconds a move from the start.
League website4NCL

4NCL Online

SummaryThe online version of the 4NCL, not as strong, with 95 teams in 5 divisions. Matches are played over 4 boards.
StructureStandardplay League only.
Where and whenThe league season (currently Season 8) takes place once a fortnight on Tuesday evenings over 7 rounds, followed by a semi-final and final for the top four teams in each division. Matches start at 7.30pm. As it's online, each team member plays at home (or wherever they happen to be online).
Guildford commitment2 teams – Division 1 and Division 3.
Time controlAll moves in 45 minutes + 15 seconds a move from the start.
League website4NCL